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Sector Tarım

ACS Aclon 48 SL

480 g/l Bentazone

ACS Diron Ultra 600

600 g/l Aclonifen

ACS Metox SE

452,42 g/l 2,4-D 2-Ethylhexyl ester + 6,25 g/l Florasulam

ACS Pidaben M

250 g/l Bentazone + 125 g/l MCPA

ACS Saxon

40 g/L Nicosulfuron

Sectorima 40 SL

40 g/L Imazamox

ACS Chlo 80 EC

80 g/l Clodinafop-propargyl + 20 g/l Cloquintocet-mexyl (Safener)

ACS Doping 240 EC

240 g/l Clodinafop-propargyl + 60 g/l Cloquintocet-mexyl (safener)

ACS Otstop 48 SL

480 g/l Glyphosate Isopropylamin Tuzu

ACS Q-Super 5 EC

50 g/l Quizalofop-p-ethyl

ACS Weedend

69 g/l Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl + 34,5 g/l Cloquintocet-mexyl (safener)

Skubic EC

45 g/L Pinoxaden + 20 g/L Cloquintocet-mexyl (safener)

ACS Cyhalof 200 EC

200 g/l Cyhalofop-butyl

ACS Haloxand

108 g/l Haloxyfop-R-methyl ester

ACS Pendim 330 EC

330 g/l Pendimethalin

ACS Revolt 70 WP

%70 Metribuzin

Secrac 240 EC

240 g/L Oxyfluorfen

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