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100 g/l Amidosulfuron + 25 g/l Iodosulfuron-methyl sodium + 250 g/l Mefenpyr-diethyl (safener) (OD)

ürün grubu: B,2+B,2

Ürün Kategorisi: Herbisitler

Aktif bileşen: Amidosulfuron 100 g/L + Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 25 g/L + Mefenpyr-diethyl(Safener) 250 g/L OD

Hastalık / Zararlı:
Anthemis arvensis
Bifora radians
Fumaria offici
Gallium aparine
Gallium tricorne
Myagrum perfoliatum
Papaver rhoeas
Sinapis arvensis
Vicia sativa

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